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light buoy造句

"light buoy"是什么意思  
  • Temporary replaced by lighted buoy showing the same characteristic
  • Temporarily replaced by lighted buoy showing the same characteristics
  • Temporarily replaced by lighted buoy
  • Temporarily lighted buoy
  • Temporary lighted buoy
  • The boundary is demarcated by yellow light buoys deployed at the corners of the marine park . the landward boundary follows the high water mark along the coastline of the islands
  • Indoor operations - this module monitors the indoor operations of aton , executes management on the maintenance process of light buoys , lighthouses , piles and vindication of energy source and lights , apart from monitoring the aton store archive , generating reports on indoor operations and make inquiry on the data for indoor operation . 3 . outdoor operations - this module carries out managerial work and data processing concerning aton outdoor operations , including editing , generating and dispatching outdoor operations requirements and extra tasks issued by administrative departments
  • It's difficult to see light buoy in a sentence. 用light buoy造句挺难的
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